Executive Summary: On July 22, 2014, two different federal appeals courts issued conflicting decisions on the availability of subsidies for health insurance purchased by individuals on Exchanges established by the federal government under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). A three-member panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held that the subsidy is only available for insurance purchased on an Exchange established by one of the 50 states. Accordingly, that court invalidated an IRS regulation that authorizes the subsidy also for insurance purchased on a federal Exchange. Halbig v. Burwell, (D.C. Cir. July 22, 2014). However, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reached the opposite conclusion, finding the language of the ACA ambiguous and deferring to the IRS interpretation. Thus the Fourth Circuit upheld the IRS regulation. King v. Burwell (4th Cir. July 22, 2014).