Jackson Lewis ranked 84th on the 2024 Am Law profits per lawyer ranking in “The 2024 Am Law 100: Ranked by Profits Per Lawyer,” published by The American Lawyer.
Archives for April 17, 2024
Jackson Lewis Ranks 95th on Am Law 100 Average Partner Compensation Ranking
Jackson Lewis ranked 95th on the 2024 Am Law average partner compensation ranking in “The 2024 Am Law 100: Ranked by Average Compensation – All Partners,” published by The American Lawyer.
Laura Pierson-Scheinberg and Benjamin Tulis Author “Certain Businesses Exempted from Calif. Fast Food Minimum Wage”
Laura Pierson-Scheinberg and Benjamin Tulis author “Certain Businesses Exempted from Calif. Fast Food Minimum Wage,” published by SHRM.
Joseph Lynett Discusses Compliance Questions Surrounding the EEOC’s Implementation of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Joseph Lynett discusses the accommodation process under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and encourages employers to utilize the EEOC’s updated guidance to determine how to comply with the law in “What To Watch Now That EEOC Pregnant Worker Rule Is Final,” published by Law360.
OSHA Proposes Expansion of Workplace Protections for Emergency Responders
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed a rule to replace and expand its Fire Brigades Standard.
Ninth Circuit Holds Warehouse Worker Qualifies as Transportation Worker Under FAA Exemption
Arbitration agreements with warehouse workers and others who play a “direct and necessary role” in the transportation of goods and people may fall within the “transportation worker exemption” to the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held. Ortiz v. Randstad Inhouse Services, LLC, No. 23-55147 (Mar. 12, 2024).
Jones Walker Named to BTI Client Service 30 List for Second Consecutive Year
Firm improves ranking from 29 to 17 in annual BTI Client Service A-Team 2024 report
NC Supreme Court Clarifies Requirements for Accessing Causality of Medical Treatment in Workers’ Compensation Cases ›
North Carolina’s Supreme Court has revisited the issue of medical treatment in the context of workers’ compensation
D.C. Circuit Rejects NLRB Surveillance Decision as “Nonsense”
On March 26, 2024, the D.C. Circuit rebuked the National Labor Relations Board for an opinion the court described as “nonsense” – saying it shows “just how far [the Board has] strayed from its statutory mandate.” This decision and others recently issued in the D.C. Circuit may encourage employers to
Labor Commissioner’s FAQ on Fast Food Minimum Wage
On April 1, 2024, the new fast-food minimum wage took effect. At the end of March, California’s Labor Commissioner issued an FAQ regarding the new minimum wage. It includes the following sections:
Overview of the Minimum Wage Increases Who is covered by the law The role of the fast-food
USCIS Issues New Policy Guidance on Validity Period of Form I-693 Medical Exam
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that any Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, that was properly completed and signed by a civil surgeon on or after November 1, 2023, is valid indefinitely.
MSHA Issues Long Awaited Final Silica Rule
The Mine Safety and Health Administration (“MSHA”) released its long-anticipated silica rule on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (See the rule here) The rule is aimed at reducing miners’ exposure to respirable crystalline silica, otherwise known as silica or quartz dust. The final version of the rule is mostly consistent with
EEOC Releases Expansive Final Regulations to Implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
The EEOC released its final regulations under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), taking an expansive reading of the PWFA’s requirements. Upon an employee’s request, an employer will need to consider eliminating one or more essential functions of a job for up to 40 weeks during an employee’s pregnancy and
Minnesota Legislative Update 2024, Part II: Don’t Miss the Omnibus—Legislators’ Last Chance to Pass Employment Law Bills
As the Minnesota Legislature enters the latter half of its 2023–2024 legislative session, the pressure is on to meet critical deadlines before adjournment on May 20, 2024. House and Senate committees are racing against the clock to push bills through for consideration by the April 19 deadline. With the fate
California’s SB 1047 establishes stringent requirements for large-scale AI models
Niloy Ray and Alice H. Wang say California’s Senate Bill 1047 represents another significant step forward in the state’s wide-ranging efforts to regulate the development and use of AI.
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