The concept of flexible work schedule may also be referred to as
flextime. In essence, employees start and finish their days at different
times but consistently work a certain number of hours per day.
Employees are responsible for being in the office during the core work
hours of the company. This arrangement allows single parents and dual
income parents to take care of their home responsibilities while
sustaining a full-time job.
Your company’s workforce can benefit from flextime in a numerous ways.
Employees are given the flexibility to care for both their family and
work. In doing so, employees are encouraged to increase their
productivity by focusing on work, not “Who will drive the kids home from
day care today?” Employees may also have the benefit of having a
workplace that is less crowded. Office space, parking lots, and lunch
areas may be less congested if a flexible schedule is in place.
Your company may benefit by having employees working earlier and later in the day, therefore, increasing interaction with customers, productivity or customer service. You also need to consider some realities in the workplace. For example, employees may take advantage of company time, if they are not monitored. In addition to the supervision, you need to instill in their employees pertinence of some office matters such as meetings and other activities when all employees need to be present. Above all, according to William S. Hubbartt. in his book, “When considering flexible schedules, the manager must carefully evaluate work demands, work flows, customer needs, and the degree of interaction needed between employees.”