Bloomberg Law
Sept. 15, 2020, 9:45 AM UTC

Workplace Covid-19 Cleaning Poses Disability Litigation Risks

Louis C. LaBrecque
Louis C. LaBrecque

An employee sets up two large desk fans and uses them to regularly spray alcohol disinfectant in hopes of keeping her workspace free from Covid-19. However, the strong-smelling sanitizer triggers headaches in a nearby co-worker, who complains.

This dispute occurred between two employees at a Midwest accounting firm, according to Philippe Weiss, president of Seyfarth at Work, a consulting division of management-side law firm Seyfarth Shaw LLP.

The employer ultimately resolved the situation by separating the two employees and providing “low-aroma” cleaning kits to all its workers, Weiss said. But the fight over the fans shows the potential for litigation ...

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