Don’t count on human resources to take your side in a workplace issue, especially if it involves a conflict with your boss.
New York Times
How Do I Discourage My Remote Colleagues from Taking Secret Second Jobs?
The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on employees who pull double duty at different companies.
You Have F.S.A. Dollars to Burn. Everyone Wants Them.
A growing number of wellness retailers are vying for health care funds that expire at the end of the year.
Opinion | Remote Work Is Increasingly for The Rich
Remote work is increasingly a right exclusively enjoyed by the most affluent Americans.
For Rastafarians, Marijuana Is Sacred. Should the Law Account for That?
Members of the religious group would like to see New York’s cannabis legalization law revised to include accommodations for those who use the drug in worship.
Inside the Four-Day Workweek Experiment
A British group is pushing for more companies to offer their workers shorter hours. Here’s what it looks like for two companies willing to test it out.
Minimum Wage Waiver for Disabled Workers Would End Under Biden Plan
A plan by the Biden administration would end a provision that allowed employers to pay workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage.
Walmart Pulls Back on D.E.I. Initiatives Amid Conservative Pressure
The retailer is the largest company to be targeted by the conservative activist Robby Starbuck.
How to Handle Trash Talk at Work
One of my co-workers criticized another in Spanish. Should I tell them that they were understood?
NLRB Bars Mandatory Anti-Union Meetings After Amazon Draws Complaint
The ruling, stemming from a complaint against Amazon, bars companies from compelling workers to attend meetings on unionization’s downsides.
Trump Is Expected to Upend Biden Labor Policies Favoring Unions
After gains by organized labor under President Biden, a second Trump administration is likely to change course on regulation and enforcement.
How to Manage an Employee Whose Health Issues Affect Performance
Health issues are affecting a worker’s performance. But is the real problem her supervisor’s handling of the situation?
Unions Bet Big on Harris. Now They’re Bracing for Consequences.
Government unions, service worker unions and industrial unions all face possible repercussions from Donald Trump’s victory, but not necessarily all the same kind.
Older Workers to Get ‘Super’ 401(k) Catch-Up Contributions in 2025
Workers who are 60 to 63 will be able to put in up to $11,250 in extra contributions, if they can afford it.
Amazon Tells Corporate Workers to Be Back in the Office 5 Days a Week
The internet giant told employees on Monday that it expected them to return to the office full-time in January.