“Those companies that take swift action now will … set themselves and their organizations up for success in the decades ahead,” says a new report.
Benefits Pro
Gen Z, remote work, and burnout: HR grapples with new realities
Forty-seven percent of HR professionals feel trapped in a constant cycle of performance management, settling conflict issues and firing.
Political discourse in the workplace raises concerns for employees
Political discourse in the workplace can have a variety of consequences, including deterring potential employees, causing existing employees to consider quitting, and creating rifts among employees.
5 HR priorities that will define 2025
As we enter 2025, HR leaders should focus on evolving their benefits strategies to address rising health care costs and adding acquisition programs while building inclusive talent practices that strengthen recruitment and development at every level.
2025 employee benefits & workplace predictions: Benefits landscape
Industry leaders share their thoughts and concerns about the ever-changing employee benefits landscape and how it will affect their 2025.
2025 employee benefits & workplace predictions: Mental health
Industry leaders share their thoughts, comments, and concerns about the workforce’s mental health and how it will affect their 2025.
How to prepare today for tomorrow’s workforce
As we edge toward 2025, the challenges ahead — staffing shortages, aging populations and the rapid pace of technological change — demand nothing less than a revolution in how we train, support and retain our workforce.
‘Employers aren’t responsible for my retirement,’ say most (75%) employees
As more U.S. households gain confidence in investing, they’re becoming more self-reliant in making financial decisions, according to new research from Hearts & Wallets.
7 out of 10 employees would turn down a job opportunity because of poor culture
Executives are 35% more likely than workers to say their organization actively engages in improving company culture.
Is your workplace a wellness mirage? A closer look at employee wellbeing initiatives
Only 21% of employees strongly agree that their organization cares about their overall wellbeing.
Report: 40% of HR professionals say their companies lack AI policies
Organizations are putting themselves at risk by not implementing internal guidelines for responsible and ethical AI use.
Lessons from 50 years of advancing workforce inclusion for people with disabilities
It is time for organizations to not only comply with disability employment laws but to go beyond them, creating accessible environments where all employees can thrive and succeed.
Toxic office culture is calling for workplace redesign
It’s time to leave the outdated, harmful work environments behind and embrace a future where office design promotes comfort, collaboration, and productivity.
Employees are productive for only 4.5 hours of the day, study finds
The study found that over 50% of employees have watched TV, napped, or gamed during working hours.
Are your employees sober curious? 3 ways to support sobriety in the workplace
Employees appear eager to find ways to use alcohol on their terms, free from social pressures, and in ways consistent with their personal health and wellbeing goals.