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In return for your effort, employees should expect no less than 100 percent effort from Widget, Inc.’s owners, directors and managers. The Company will provide tools necessary for safely performing your job, work environments which are safe and friendly, a business culture that allows individuals to contribute and gain from their efforts and most importantly continued employment through our marketing and sales efforts to sustain the operation in the long term.
We will act responsibly to our employees and shareholders in the following ways:
- The Company will not discriminate and will respect rights of individuals
- We will fill job openings from the inside with current employees whenever possible
- Promote drug free and a safety conscious work environment
- Promote a business culture to support our company’s mission statement
- Promote an open book policy to demonstrate the Company’s financial stability
- Take immediate action to investigate adverse claims, problems and concerns
- Provide compensation plans that are above the industry norm
- Acknowledge the importance of time away from work and family values
Commentary (if any): An Expectation section is intended to give a flavor of the daily actions found at the worksite. It is critical this is accurate or it could serve as a foundation for other discrepancies to take hold-regardless of whether these are real or imagined at the workplace. This section also helps a young organization build a sense of workplace culture.
It may be difficult to capture the flavor of all industries, however the challenge would help set the stage for identifying the types of individuals you need to have working for you. Ask yourself what a visitor to the company would see or hear if they were present on the warehouse floor, in the lunch room or driving home with an employee.
If you don’t like what you hear, this is where your issues need to be addressed and supported with actions in the workplace- not words. Be proud to demand expectations of yourself and your employees.
WARNING: Do NOT simply adopt a policy or add it to your handbook or manual without consulting with a qualified HR professional or employment lawyer. A sample policy may not be proper or even lawful in your particular situation. You’ve been warned.