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Statement of Need
XYZ Company has a strong commitment to the health, safety, and welfare of its employees, their families, and its customers. The Company recognizes that a variety of personal problems, such as emotional distress, family problems, alcoholism, and drug abuse, can be devastating to lives, business, and the community at large. Most people solve their problems either on their own or with the advice of family and friends; however, XYZ Company recognizes that sometimes people need professional advice.
It is the goal of our Company to establish an employee assistance program to help and encourage those employees in need of professional assistance to use it.
This program applies to all employees and their eligible dependents who are covered under any of the various health and welfare programs to which the Company contributes.
While the Company has no intention of intruding into the private lives of its employees, we recognize the personal problems may eventually take their toll on job performance. Our concern is to assure that employees report to work in condition to perform their duties safely and efficiently in the interest of their fellow workers, themselves, and our customers.
Policy Statement
1. It is the policy of XXZ Company to establish, implement, and support employee assistance programs that will assist employees and their eligible dependents to resolve problems, such as emotional distress, family problems, alcoholism, and drug abuse, recognizing these problems may adversely affect employee’s personal health, family, and job performance.
2. It is the policy of XYZ Company to commit the resources necessary to support the employee assistance program.
3. This policy will not exempt employees from job performance requirements.
XYZ Company’s employee assistance program will operate within the following framework:
1. Employees’ current jobs and future advancement will not be jeopardized by using the EAP’s services.
2. As with all health and personnel documents, the EAP’s records will be maintained in a confidential manner.
3. Supervisors and managers are responsible for confronting employees about unsatisfactory as well as acceptable but deteriorating performance, and referring such employees to the EAP when appropriate.
4. Employees will be responsible for correcting unsatisfactory performance and maintaining acceptable performance.
Each division, subsidiary, or affiliate of XYZ Company will be responsible for establishing and implementing detailed policy and procedures, specific to its needs, in support of this policy. Each of these policies is subject to central review for consistency with the company’s policy.
Responsibility for interpretation of the company’s policy falls to the company’s Human Resources Department.