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Changes in status may affect your eligibility for benefits, amount you pay for benefits, delivery of your paycheck and other issues. It is extremely important to keep your personnel records up-to-date by notifying the Company in writing of any change in status.
You may see information in your personnel file if you wish and request copies of all documents you have signed. Please make arrangements with the Human Resource Department.
Notify Human Resources if any of the following have changed or will change in the near future:
1. Legal name
2. Home address
3. Home telephone number
4. Person to call in case of emergency
5. Number of dependents
6. Marital status
7. Change of beneficiary
8. Driving record or status of driver’s license, if you operate any vehicles
9. Military or draft status
10. Exemptions on your W-4 tax form
11. Training Certificates
12. Professional License
Commentary (if any): Maintaining accurate information regarding employees is essential to the successful operation of any business. Changes in address, marriage status and the like affect employers and employees in various and significant ways. Accordingly, all employee manuals should contain a requirement that employees advise the employer of relevant job related information.
In addition, many states have statutes regarding maintaining personnel files and employee access to their file. While a policy manual need not necessarily contain a policy on the employee’s statutory rights (for example, access to his or her personnel file), it is important for employers to know these rights. At minimum, the policy should state that the information shall remain confidential. Also, as a practice, employers should not disclose employee information to any third parties without a lawfully completed subpoena.
Lastly, employee medical records must not be kept in an employee’s personnel file. This includes workers’ compensation and benefit enrollment information. Likewise, employers should not disclose medical information without compelling reason for doing so.
WARNING: Do NOT simply adopt a policy or add it to your handbook or manual without consulting with a qualified HR professional or employment lawyer. A sample policy may not be proper or even lawful in your particular situation. You’ve been warned.