In the homestretch of Minnesota’s 2024 legislative session, tension has mounted in St. Paul as state House and Senate committees scramble to secure enough votes to place their bills on Governor Tim Walz’s desk for signature. With multiple bills in play, legislators continue to engage in strategic omnibus bundling to
Articles Discussing General Issues In Minnesota Labor & Employment Law.
Minnesota Legislative Update 2024, Part II: Don’t Miss the Omnibus—Legislators’ Last Chance to Pass Employment Law Bills
As the Minnesota Legislature enters the latter half of its 2023–2024 legislative session, the pressure is on to meet critical deadlines before adjournment on May 20, 2024. House and Senate committees are racing against the clock to push bills through for consideration by the April 19 deadline. With the fate
Minnesota Legislative Update 2024: Employment Law Bills Cover ESST, Human Rights Act, Pay Disclosure, and Restrictive Covenants
The Minnesota Legislature is back in session and actively addressing employment law legislation in several pending bills following a very busy 2023–2024 session last year. The legislature kicked off its 2024 regular session with a slew of employment-related bills presenting both opportunities and challenges for employers. Here is a preview
St. Paul Issues New Guidance For Employers Complying with the City’s Earned Sick and Safe Time Ordinance
Continuing the wave of new rules and regulations related to paid leave in Minnesota, on January 8, 2024, the St. Paul Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity (HREEO) issued guidance on its interpretation of St. Paul’s Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) Ordinance. St. Paul revised its ESST
Saint Paul Changes Earned Sick and Safe Time Ordinance as Second City to Align With Minnesota’s Leave Law
Employers in Minnesota are not the only ones gearing up for Minnesota’s earned sick and safe time (ESST) law to take effect on January 1, 2024. Cities in Minnesota are also making changes to their respective earned sick and safe time ordinances. Saint Paul’s City Council unanimously adopted amendments to its Earned
MNDOLI Issues Guidance on Minnesota Statewide Paid Earned Sick and Safe Time Law
Looking ahead to January 1, 2024, when Minnesota’s statewide paid Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) law takes effect, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (MNDOLI) issued guidance in the form of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), a fact sheet, and a video overview of the law to
Minnesota’s New Paid Sick and Safe Leave Law: For Some Employers, There Is a Forty-Eight Hours Solution
Minnesota recently enacted a statewide paid sick and safe time leave law that will become effective on January 1, 2024.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Issues Inflation-Adjusted Wage Rates for 2024
On August 23, 2023, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) announced that minimum wage rates will be adjusted for inflation and increase 2.5 percent on January 1, 2024.
Minnesota Enacts State Partial Paid Family and Medical Leave
During the 2023 legislative session, Minnesota became the latest state to offer statewide paid family and medical leave, providing partial wage replacement for eligible employees for 12–20 weeks in a 52-week period for medical leave, bonding, caring for a family member, safety leave, or a qualifying exigency leave. The newly
Minnesota Lawmakers Amend Current Law to Strengthen Protections for Employee Wage Disclosure
On May 24, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed into law omnibus legislation that includes an amendment to Minnesota’s labor law that protects employees’ right to discuss the employees’ own wages. This amendment further defines the types of adverse action that an employer may not take against employees for exercising that
Minnesota Law Prohibits Forced Attendance at Employer-Sponsored Meetings Concerning Religious or Political Matters
On May 24, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed into law legislation that adds a new section to the labor and employment law of Minnesota to prohibit employers from taking adverse employment action against employees who decline to attend employer-sponsored meetings regarding religious or political matters.
Minnesota Legalizes Recreational Marijuana, Protects Off-Duty Use
Under a new Minnesota law legalizing recreational marijuana, beginning August 1, 2023, individuals 21 years of age or older may possess or transport up to two ounces of cannabis flower in public and to possess up to two pounds of cannabis flower in the individual’s private residence, among other things.
Minnesota’s New Paid Family and Medical Leave, Sick Leave, Amended Pregnancy Accommodations
Minnesota has become the 12th state to adopt a statewide paid program for employees during family and medical leaves. It also joined the more than 40 state and local jurisdictions mandating paid sick leave.
Minnesota Enacts Paid Family and Medical Leave Statute
HF 2 creates a paid family and medical leave insurance program funded by employers and employees through payroll deductions. Starting January 1, 2026, employees will be able to take up to 20 weeks of paid family and medical leave per year.
Minnesota Worker Safety Legislation for Meatpacking and Warehouse Industries Signed Into Law
On May 24, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed Senate File No. 3035, which, among other provisions, amends the Packinghouse Workers Bill of Rights (Minn. Stat. § 179.86), creates new meatpacking workplace safety requirements with the Safe Workplaces for Meat and Poultry Processing Workers Act, and limits the use of quotas