The life sciences industry is certainly not immune to changes in the economic climate. While never an easy decision for employers, some life sciences companies have had to lay off or reduce their workforces to help refine their strategies and streamline their operating structure.
Articles Discussing Reductions In Force (RIF).
How to Respond to Layoff Fears
In this episode, Jen provides tools for leadership to address employees’ fears about potential layoffs and the economy.
Steps Employers Can Take Before a Reduction in Force to Help Protect Trade Secrets
Layoffs may create an increased risk of trade secret misappropriation. Employers can take certain steps in advance of a reduction in force to help mitigate against this risk.
Manufacturers’ Legal Considerations for Staffing Reductions
In these uncertain economic times, many manufacturers and other employers are deliberating over measures to shore up their financial positions and reassessing their workforce needs. Employers may be considering organizational restructuring, including voluntary attrition programs and staff reductions (e.g., layoffs), to manage costs, eliminate redundancies, and ensure operational efficiencies, all of which are critical to any organization’s long-term health.
Layoffs/RIFs – A Discussion on Strategies for Immigration Compliance
An increasing number of employers, especially those in the tech industry, are conducting layoffs or reductions in force. What happens to foreign workers in these situations, whose work visas are often tied to their jobs? What options are available to foreign nationals who are in the process of obtaining
Redundancy No Longer Out of Favor in Manufacturing
For decades, to increase efficiency and to reduce costs, manufacturers adopted the just-in-time approach, carefully tying manufacturing and staffing capabilities to meet demands without creating surplus. Recent supply-chain disruptions, especially those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, however, may have pushed manufacturers to rethink redundancy.
Five Work Streams for Employers to Consider Before a RIF
Employers often consider five key “work streams” at the initial planning stages of a reduction in force (RIF).
Reductions in Force and Partial Plan Terminations: Another Potential 2020 ‘Gotcha’
Employers in all industries have faced unprecedented business challenges during 2020, and responding to those challenges has often entailed adjustments to the size and composition of workforces through targeted or broader-based reductions in force. As we finally face the end of this seemingly interminable year, it is important to consider
Workforce Reductions and Statistics: A Primer and Recommendations
Workforce reductions, whether in the form of hours reductions, furloughs, or layoffs, are often a last resort for employers experiencing financial pressures. Nevertheless, when these actions are necessary, time typically is of the essence, because when shedding payroll is the objective, the more drawn out the process, the smaller
Don’t Forget to Evaluate the Selections in Reductions in Force During COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the workplace in ways we could not have imagined just a few months ago. Indeed, the economic impact caused by the COVID-19-related shutdowns has prompted many employers to reevaluate how to conduct business and the number of employees they need. Consequently, many employers have been