Emily Haigh, U.S. Army veteran and co-founder of Littler’s Veterans Initiative, speaks with Littler attorneys Michael Kibbe, Caroline Lutz and Jonathan Heller, about how their military experience has had a positive impact on their legal practice.
Articles Discussing Veterans In The Workplace.
Reminders for Employers for Veterans Day
The United States will celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, 2023, a holiday meant to honor military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Employers may want to take this as an opportunity to consider the ways they can support veterans and service members in the workforce.
Veterans Day 2022: Stories from Military Family Members
Emily Haigh, U.S. Army veteran and co-chair of Litter’s Veterans Affinity Group, speaks with Littler attorneys William Anthony, Tracy Leidner, and Emily Arnett, who each have a family member currently serving in active duty.
Employing Veterans: Insights for Hiring Veterans and Supporting Veterans in the Workforce
Happy Veterans Day to all who served in the military—whether in combat or not, overseas or state side, officer or rank and file, or in any other capacity. We owe you our respect and gratitude. In the United States, Veterans Day is a federal holiday observed on November 11 every
Another Year, Another Reduced Veteran Hiring Benchmark
Under 41 CFR 60-300.45, OFCCP must publish the “national percentage of veterans in the civilian labor force” for contractors to use as a “hiring benchmark.” OFCCP’s initial veteran hiring benchmark (in 2014) was 7.2% . Every year since, this percentage of available veterans has decreased. This year, the veteran hiring