For employers in the construction industry, the Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed revisions to Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) regulations on prevailing wages on public projects can mean significant adjustments to their practices.
HR - Construction Industry
Construction Industry: Data Security Considerations
No industry is immune to privacy and cybersecurity risks, and the construction industry is no exception. Those in the construction industry can protect against a potential cyberattack by understanding the risks and vulnerabilities and developing a plan.
Construction Industry Workplace Law Update – Spring 2022
Construction: Labor Department Proposes Rule to Expand Coverage of Davis-Bacon Act and Regulations
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has announced proposed rulemaking to update and expand the prevailing wages and other regulations under the Davis-Bacon Act, which applies to federal and federally assisted construction projects.
Biden’s Infrastructure Bill: Construction Industry’s Affirmative Action Obligations
Construction companies bidding on IIJA projects hope to get a piece of the billions of dollars allocated to infrastructure projects. However, with the government funding comes more requirements and obligations.
Project Labor Agreements Coming to an Infrastructure Project Near You
Construction contractors and subcontractors that do not typically have exposure to project labor agreements (PLAs) should expect to see them as a result of the new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which became law on November 15, 2021.
2022: The Year for Construction Employers to Get Employment Law Compliance Done
With the start of a new year, there is no better time to take on employment law compliance.
Construction Industry Seeks to Diversify Its Workforce
In September 2021, Congress continues to debate a bipartisan infrastructure bill. The Biden Administration estimates that if its $1 trillion plan is enacted, the legislation will create up to two million new job per year for a decade. Many, if not most, of those new jobs would be in the construction industry.
Construction Industry Workplace Law Update – Fall 2021
OFCCP Issues Second Construction Contractor Audit List, Increasing Scrutiny of Contractor Compliance
Construction Industry Workplace Law Update – Summer 2021
The U.S. Department of Labor’s regulatory agenda for spring 2021 lists regulations the agency will focus on for the next six months, including 26 Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, six of which are in the final rule stage and the rest are in the proposed or pre-rule stage. Many of them will directly affect the construction industry.
What OSHA’s Proposed Changes to Hazard Communication Standard Mean for Construction Employers
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) proposed amendments to the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), in 29 CFR 1910.1200, to conform to the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Revision 7 (GHS, Rev. 7) are substantial and would have broad implications.
Construction Industry Workplace Law Update – Spring 2021
Employers can expect union and political pressure to push for neutrality agreements.
Construction Industry Workplace Law Update – Winter 2021
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) had invited briefs on bannering and displays of “Scabby the Rat,” the giant roadside inflatable rat (or other gruesome creature) used in many labor disputes. At issue is the conflicting labor law principles distinguishing between lawful publicity of a dispute and unlawful coercive conduct.