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Depending on your position and department, you may be entitled to dress down from business professional attire to business casual attire on Fridays throughout the year. Your manager will let you know if dress down applies to you. For women, this means they may wear slacks, skirt or other tasteful casual attire. For men, khakis, golf shirt or other tasteful attire are allowed. No sneakers, shorts, blue jeans or attire that would expose the belly, midriff, upper thighs, bosom or back are allowed.
If your work responsibilities require you to always wear safety equipment, boots or other items, then you will not be permitted to dress down unless your manager specifically indicates it is acceptable.
Commentary (if any):
WARNING: Do NOT simply adopt a policy or add it to your handbook or manual without consulting with a qualified HR professional or employment lawyer. A sample policy may not be proper or even lawful in your particular situation. You’ve been warned.