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5 Powerful Tips That Will Help You Manage Your Multigenerational Workplace

This article is more than 3 years old.

One of the greatest challenges organizations face today is knowing how to effectively manage a multigenerational workforce. For the first time in history, there are five generations of workers in the workplace ranging from Traditionalists to Generation Z. Each generation brings their own working style, experience, worldview, expectations and motivations. Additionally, each generation holds their own stereotypes, judgments and biases against the other generations that keep them from being able to work together.

The older generation tends to view the younger generation as entitled and lazy. Therefore, they struggle to take them seriously especially when they’re required to report to someone much younger and assumably less experienced than them. Furthermore, they view the younger generation as competition and fear they’re out to take their jobs.

The younger generation views the older generation as rigid, technophobic and stuck in their ways. Likewise, they might be excited and eager to implement fresh ideas but fail to be patient enough to get the older generations on board. For this reason, there has been an ongoing conflict between the older and newer generations.

Managers can be successful in managing a multigenerational team by following these five powerful tips.

Encourage Collaboration Through Knowledge Sharing

Creating space for employees from different age groups to share knowledge is a powerful way to maximize learnings between each generation. Pairing individuals from different generations together either on a project or during onboarding expands the ability to work with and learn from one another. Individuals can gain new perspectives from their counterparts and apply their new thinking to their position that will ultimately enhance the quality of the team. Laura Spawn, CEO and co-founder of Virtual Vocations, warned managers to not “mistakenly underestimate the value and fresh perspectives that younger team members can bring to projects, especially when combined with insight from experienced employees who have worked for years in the industry.”

Each age group brings something unique to the workplace through their working style, technological skills, experience and perspectives. Managers can utilize tools such as Slack’s Donut to pair employees who otherwise wouldn’t interact. This is a great way to bring employees together from different generations and create an opportunity for collaboration.

Discover The Best Ways To Communicate

Traditionally, information was communicated only once through a single channel which was typically a formal email. However, as employers have seen, the new generation of workers absorb information differently than more tenured workers. One communication style won’t work for all generations. For this reason, managers should use various methods of communication to reach each generation and convey the message as often as possible.

Communication helps break down barriers and better understand generational differences. The biggest mistake many managers make is treating everyone the same way whether it be in how they communicate, what they expect or their assumptions. This not only sets employees up for failure but it widens the gap between generations. Managers should make it a priority to consistently seek and give feedback, assess workers abilities, identify problem areas, provide development and encourage their workers to try new things even if it’s uncomfortable. Moreover, anonymous surveys are a great way to seek valuable feedback to figure out where problems lie and to learn of new solutions.

Reduce Misinterpretations Through Clearly Defined Expectations

Keeping everyone on the same page requires setting goals and defining clear expectations. This is especially crucial because someone in their 20’s can interpret things differently than someone in their 50’s. As such, managers will have the most success by defining clear expectations upfront, but also being flexible enough to adjust them as needed to adapt quickly. This keeps leaders relevant and employees engaged and motivated. For example, older generations may take more time to warm up to new systems or technology which might prevent them from meeting the expectation the manager initially laid out for them. Having consistent and frequent check-ins allows managers to see where an employee is struggling and where they can be coached and trained to better do their job.

On a similar note, managers should communicate what will be covered in meetings in advance. Priorities, deadlines and urgencies should also be communicated to avoid any misinterpretations or disruptions.

Address Diverse Needs With A Fair And Flexible Policy

Flexibility is important for all generations. While younger workers might require time off for children related situations, older generations may need time off for health concerns. Each employee’s situation is different. Therefore, it’s important to be open-minded, flexible and nonjudgemental. A multigenerational workplace is composed of different ages, backgrounds, working styles and interests. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Managers who are flexible and open minded towards each generation helps to create and maintain balance. Ryan Lally, founder and chief consultant of Lally Media explained “forcing a work style on someone who clearly isn’t compatible with it is a recipe for disaster.”

The new generation of workers coupled with the pandemic plunging companies into remote work has proven that traditional eight hour days and being in-office aren’t the key to being productive. Employees are fully capable of achieving the same amount of work at home with flexible hours. Neal Taparia, CEO of Solitaired, shared they have flexibility windows which allows their employees, no matter what generation, to tend to personal matters while making this known and acceptable to the entire team. For example, 12-1pm is a flexibility window, Taparia said, “where most of our employees use this period to have lunch with their family.”

Don’t Treat Everyone The Same Way

Treating everyone the same way does not create balance. Each generation has different social norms, attitudes, expectations and communication and working styles. However, at the end of the day, they want the same thing-to succeed, be recognized for their contributions, enjoy where they work, feel supported and a part of the team.

Not everyone has a grasp on the technology, systems and tools being used. More often than not, older generations are looked down upon for not adapting quickly from the systems and processes they’ve spent decades using to new ones overnight. As a manager, it’s important to treat everyone fairly, but also be mindful of the challenges that come with each generation and to work with employees to overcome them through training, coaching, patience, check-ins, encouragement and support.

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