Two months into the gig, the plaintiff was told his position was “no longer permitted to be remote.”
Archives for January 20, 2025
Standing Out At Work: 5 Ways To Become A Career Rock Star
Standing out at work without being a show-off, people-pleaser or know-it-all takes skill, and these tips show you how to benefit from being a rock star in your workplace.
5 ChatGPT Prompts To Maintain Stronger Boundaries At Work
Setting boundaries at work isn’t optional. You need to protect your time and energy. Use these ChatGPT prompts to create and maintain stronger boundaries that stick.
Yes it’s time to get rid of DEI hiring programs. This can take their place
DEI hiring programs sell people short based on their race, rather than their skills, experience, and merit.
Skipping Alcohol At Networking Events Could Be Your Best Career Move
Do you automatically reach for a drink at networking events? Here’s why experts say skipping alcohol at these kinds of functions could be a great career move.
5 Important Future Of Work Trends—And How To Prepare
Anticipate and plan for future of work trends. Learn how to boost your chances of success in the future by preparing in 5 important ways.
Why Job Benefits Are Disappearing From 2025 Hiring Posts
Job listings mentioning benefits peaked at 61% in 2024. Why employers are changing their approach to advertising perks and what that means for hiring in 2025.
9 Things You Must Avoid Doing In Virtual Meetings
Despite being less visceral, virtual meetings can provide the same benefits as in-person ones. They help you build relationships and expand your personal brand.
What can you do if your company is cutting DEI programs?
As employers continue cutting back DEI commitments, you might be worried about the impact. Here’s how you can do your part.
How To Fairly Evaluate Claims Of Racism And Sexism At Work
Employers are at risk of overlooking racism and sexism at work, as well as firing those who did nothing wrong. Here’s how to get it right.
Workers are being called back to the office full-time. Can Gen Z handle RTO?
Pundits can’t decide whether Gen Z is yearning for—or dreading—a full RTO. We asked Gen Z to share their experiences with in-person work.
PACE Southeast Michigan to Pay $170,000 in EEOC Disability Discrimination Lawsuit
DETROIT – PACE Southeast Michigan, a company providing all-inclusive care for the elderly, will pay $170,000 and furnish other relief to resolve a disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.
EEOC Sues Sam’s Club for Disability Discrimination
ATLANTA – Sam’s East, Inc. and Walmart Inc., which together operate a chain of warehouse club retail stores known as Sam’s Club, violated federal law when they refused to reasonably accommodate an employee’s disabilities and later fired her because of her disabilities, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charged
EEOC Publishes Annual Performance and General Counsel Reports for Fiscal Year 2024
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced its report on the agency’s performance during fiscal year 2024, covering Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024, and the Office of General Counsel (OGC) annual report for the same time period.
Congress Acts: Employers Have Less Affordable Care Act Reporting
Congressional action at the end of 2024 modified the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to reduce unneeded employer and worker reporting requirements.