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Archives for May 15, 2024
EEOC Enforcement Guidance on Workplace Harassment: Covered Bases and Causation
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued its first updated enforcement guidance on workplace harassment in 25 years on April 29, 2024. The guidance reflects a number of new developments concerning workplace discrimination and harassment and reflects U.S. Supreme Court precedent extending anti-discrimination protections to LGBTQ workers.
A Continuing Discussion on the Opioid Epidemic and the Workplace – Part 4
Executive Summary: This is Part 4 of a series of Alerts exploring different facets of the ongoing opioid addiction crisis afflicting our country. Our initial Alert on June 12, 2023 outlined the big-picture issues associated with this epidemic. Our September 7, 2023 Alert (Part 1) addressed how to identify a potential addiction issue, when to engage, and how to engage on the same.
Cal/OSHA Standards Board Announces New Proposed Indoor Heat Regulation Public Comment Period
On May 8, 2024, the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board received the expected notice from the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) that the previously approved indoor heat illness standard was disapproved.
The Importance of Whistleblower Protection and Wellbeing in the Age of Mental Health Awareness
There are countless examples in recent news highlighting the potential for far-reaching consequences when wrongdoing goes unchecked, and when whistleblowers face unbridled public scrutiny. Safety hazards could result in serious injuries or even further loss of life and financial penalties and reputational damage could be significant. By protecting whistleblowers, taking
OSHA Issues Guidance on Expanded “Walkaround Rule” That Potentially Allows Union Representatives in OSHA Inspections
How to Talk to an Employee Who Isn’t Meeting Expectations
It’s an opportunity to address the gap between the work they’re delivering and the company’s goals.
What It Takes to Build Influence at Work
Whether you’re managing up to your boss or out to your clients, there are proven techniques to help you better understand them and win their respect.
4 Lessons To Build Unity In The Workplace
In a climate where division seeps into every aspect of our lives, the need for unity in the workplace is more pressing than ever.
Employees are cheating on workplace drug tests at record rates—and legalized cannabis could be to blame
A rise in the use of recreational marijuana use in states that have legalized cannabis appears to be behind a spike in falsified workplace drug tests.
Transgender rights targeted: 18 states sue to block protections for transgender employees
Red states are seeking to block a federal agency from expanding legal protections for transgender workers.
Why Meta Fired Workplace, a Collaboration Tool You’ve Never Heard Of
The company will sunset the tool to focus on AI and the metaverse. RIP, Workplace, we barely knew you.
Workforce Wellness: It’s Time For Employers To Lead On Climate
At a recent public company board meeting, when we came to the final agenda item “Other Business,” I asked a pointed question:
The New Workplace Power Symbols
Corner offices used to be the emblem of corporate success. But modern workplaces have new ways to convey status.
How do I become a better manager?
Being a manager is tricky because it can be hard to get honest feedback from your employees. But if you’re trying to improve, you are on the right path.