The requirement, eased because of the pandemic, is being reimposed. Some say it presents an undue hardship.
Archives for May 16, 2021
Heading Back To The Office? Data Suggests Bosses Are Still Working From Home
CEOs like Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs’ David M. Solomon want to see the troops back in the office.
For Black workers, age discrimination strikes twice
Once when they’re entering the workforce, and once when they’re nearing retirement
The Future Of Offices And Workspaces, Post-Pandemic
I remember a few years ago, one of the most common topics that I discussed with my clients who were seeking a new job or career was what they desired in an office culture.
Delta Mandates All New Employees Must Have COVID-19 Vaccinations
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE: DAL) has announced a new corporate mandate requiring all future employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before joining the company.
Workforce Incident Response: Ten Steps To Take
When storms hit and extreme weather affects essential services, the first responders on the scene are field service workers.
1,000 Cuts: The Toll Of Racism In The Workplace
A fresh take from diversity leaders on how to take meaningful action.
Is it hi or bye to hybrid workplace?
In “The hybrid workplace probably won’t last” (Ideas, May 9), Jon Levy cites an academic’s claim in 2006 that face-to-face interactions are necessary in the workplace. However, the fact is we did not have the Internet tools in 2006 that we have now.
New Tax on “Excessive” Compensation of Tax-Exempt Executives Imposed at Not-So-Excessive Levels
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 added Code Section 4960 to the Internal Revenue Code, which is intended to tax excessive compensation of executives providing services to tax-exempt entities. The limitations apply to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018.