On December 18, 2020, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) issued an emergency epidemic order rolling back some of the restrictions previously in place for Michigan businesses. The most significant changes include the reopening of “Lower Risk Recreational Facilities” like bowling alleys and casinos, and the
Archives for 2020
District of Columbia Hits “Pause” and Continues Expansive COVID-19 Protection Measures
Beginning at 10 p.m. on December 23, 2020, Mayor Bowser has ordered a “holiday pause” on various activities in an effort to flatten the curve. Until 5 a.m.
Federal Court Issues Nationwide Injunction of Executive Order on Diversity and Inclusion Training
On December 22, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued a nationwide preliminary injunction banning the enforcement of Executive Order 13950, which seeks to prohibit purported “stereotyping” and “scapegoating” based on race and sex in workplace trainings provided by federal government contractors, or by
Massachusetts Rolls Back Its COVID-19 Reopening Plan for Second Time in December
To slow the spread of COVID-19 and to avoid overwhelming Massachusetts hospitals, Governor Charlie Baker ordered (No. 59) further limitations on capacity at gatherings, events, and workplaces. These restrictions are effective at 12:01 a.m. on December 26, 2020, and will remain in place for at least two weeks, until noon on January 10, 2021.
Washington: New COVID-19 Quarantine Proclamation, Amendment to Rollback of Reopening Rules
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has issued Proclamation 20-83, which creates a mandatory 14-day quarantine requirement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for travelers into the state from certain countries, including the United Kingdom and South Africa.
Labor Department Issues Final Rule on Tip Pooling Amendments, Elimination of ‘20%’ Dual Jobs Rule
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued its long-awaited Final Rule addressing who may share tips under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the circumstances under which employers may use a tip credit.
Patricia Anderson Pryor Discusses Stimulus Package Leave Requirements
Patricia Anderson Pryor discusses the leave implications of a federal stimulus package alllocating additional financial and regulatory relief for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in “Virus Leave Turns Voluntary in 2021 as Tax Credit Ended,” published by Bloomberg Law.
Payroll Protection Program Update: Congress Passes Second Stimulus Bill Which Includes PPP Second Draw Loans
The CARES Act created the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), which amended the Small Business Act (“SBA”) to provided short term loans to companies with fewer than 500 employees and other companies (such as those in the Accommodation and Food Services Industry). Such loans may be eligible for full forgiveness if used for payroll and other business expenses and all other statutory requirements are met. Now, Congress has passed a second Stimulus Bill called the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act which is on President Trump’s desk for signature. The bill, among other things, creates a second loan from the PPP called a PPP Second Draw Loan for smaller and harder-hit businesses. Below is an overview of the terms of the PPP Second Draw Loan.
Ask the Experts: The #1 Private Duty Employment Question for Private Duty
William Vail provides insight on live-in arrangements for private home care operators.
NAHC Report
Will Biden’s Administration Seek a New Independent-Contractor Rule?
Michael Lotito provides insight on independent contractors under the Biden administration.
SHRM Online
Storage, Dosage Demands Push Employers’ Covid-19 Shots Off Site
Jim Paretti provides insight on if employers can mandate the COVID-19 vaccine.
Bloomberg Law
EEOC Issues COVID Vaccine Guidance on Workplace Bias Issues
Emilie Hammerstein explains the EEOC guidance on mandating the COVID-19 vaccine.
Bloomberg Law
Jury must determine whether assistant's firing covered up leave discrimination
Jeff Nowak shares his view on intermittent leave and how this constantly affects employers.
HR Dive
Sławomir Paruch: We have introduced a new quality in legal advice
Sławomir Paruch explains the firm’s quality in legal advice for Polish HR professionals.