Under an amendment to New Jersey Rule of Evidence (N.J.R.E.) 530 (Waiver of Privilege by Contract or Previous Disclosure), a “safe harbor” is available effective July 1, 2020, to clients and attorneys who inadvertently disclose information protected by the attorney-client privilege or work-product doctrine.
Archives for July 30, 2020
Washington Governor Expands Job Protections for High-Risk Employees during COVID-19 Crisis
With an amended Proclamation, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced on July 29 that Proclamation 20-46 regarding Washington “high-risk” employees will be extended through the duration of his current State of Emergency and provide expanded protections to those workers.
The Pros and Cons of Federal COVID-19 Liability Protections
Congress is currently battling over another coronavirus relief package and one of the main areas of contention is COVID-19 liability protections for businesses.
Current Beneficiaries May Renew DACA Status While Program Undergoes Review, Administration Announces
In response to the June 2020 U.S. Supreme Court decision that the DACA program had not been properly terminated by the Trump Administration, President Donald Trump has announced he will be instituting a comprehensive review of the program. During that review, current DACA beneficiaries will be able to renew their
Now You See Them, Now You Don’t: OSHA Removes Recently Published FAQs on Reporting Hospitalizations and Fatalities Due to COVID-19
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has withdrawn from its website—without public explanation—a controversial interpretation of its requirement to report in-patient hospitalizations of employees who contracted work-related cases of COVID-19.
All Signs Lead to Cal/OSHA Issuing COVID-19 Citations In the (Very) Near Future
By: All Signs Lead to Cal/OSHA Issuing COVID-19 Citations In the (Very) Near Future
Governor Newsom’s televised news briefing on July 24, 2020, provided clues that enhanced enforcement of COVID-19 workplace safety is in the works. Likely, in response to criticism of the perceived ineffective response to worker protection during COVID-19,
Senate Republicans Propose Bill to Shield Employers From COVID-19 Related Lawsuits
By: Senate Republicans Propose Bill to Shield Employers From COVID-19 Related Lawsuits
This week, Senate Republicans introduced a bill (S-4317) that would provide employers with protections from certain types of COVID-19 lawsuits that are already being filed and are expected to increase in the coming months. Importantly, this would be a
Despite New GC Guidelines, Mail Ballot Elections the Norm
The early evidence is in, and the results are clear. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Regional Directors decidedly have not embraced the General Counsel’s (GC) guidelines on conducting manual ballot (in-person) elections during the COVID-19 pandemic. Memorandum GC 20-10 “Suggested Manual Election Protocols” (July 6, 2020). For more on the